Friday, June 01, 2012

Photo a Day: Days 112-119

Photos from the past week~

Day 112: 5.25.12- Theodore standing on his own (if only for a few seconds)! :)

Day 113: 5.26.12- Lucy shooting a few hoops with her soccer ball. Multitasking.

Day 114: 5.27.12- Lucy's friend was in town. One of the sweetest pictures ever...

Day 115: 5.28.12- Just hanging out...

Day 116: 5.29.12- Some fun in the backyard.

Day 117: 5.30.12- The Artist

Day 118: 5.31.12- Finally learned to get into the drawers. I am now constantly tripping over things as I'm cooking!

Day 119: 6.1.12- Water bead time!

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