The dove is still there. Poor thing, sitting right in the 97 degree sun!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Some Progress- Finally!
I finally finished the left front of my Flicca sweater! Now onto the right front (if I can get up the motivation).

The dove is still there. Poor thing, sitting right in the 97 degree sun!
The dove is still there. Poor thing, sitting right in the 97 degree sun!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
A Surprise!
So, I've been growing strawberries from a hanging planter on my back patio. I've been checking them everyday because I've never grown them before, and I'm so excited! I went out yesterday and saw this weird, green netting sticking out of the planter, so I started tugging on it. This bird flew out of the planter, I have no idea how I didn't notice it! So, I climbed up on a chair and there was a little nest in my planter with one egg. So cute! So, my strawberry plants are probably done for, but I'll take watching a baby bird hatch over that! Here's the mom, she came back!

My knitting update: I am now still working on the front left of my Flicca sweater. It's slowly coming along!
My knitting update: I am now still working on the front left of my Flicca sweater. It's slowly coming along!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Knitting Update
I finally got the batteries charged enough to upload my progress photos.
Here's the back of my Flicca cardigan. It's my first sweater, so it's not quite perfect, but I tried!

And this is the very early beginnings of a baby blanket I am knitting for my future adopted Armenian baby. It may be 1-2 years away, but I figure I better get started knowing how long it takes me to finish projects! If we get a boy, I will leave it blue. I was thinking if we get a girl, I might embroider some bright pink flowers in one corner. I'm using Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim Aran for this.
Here's the back of my Flicca cardigan. It's my first sweater, so it's not quite perfect, but I tried!
And this is the very early beginnings of a baby blanket I am knitting for my future adopted Armenian baby. It may be 1-2 years away, but I figure I better get started knowing how long it takes me to finish projects! If we get a boy, I will leave it blue. I was thinking if we get a girl, I might embroider some bright pink flowers in one corner. I'm using Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim Aran for this.
Another day down...
Not a fun day today- I had my scan scheduled today at my infertility doctor. I still have a large cyst, which means no medicine for this month to help things along. Then, they broke the news to me that there was really nothing else they could do for me. I would need to be referred out to a specialist. (I thought I WAS going to a specialist.) Ugh! Very sad day. Of course we are still so excited to be working on the adoption process, but it's still hard to hear the news today. I guess we'll have to decide if we are just going to completely stop with infertility and just focus on adoption or how to handle all this. Confusing, frustrating, crappy.
On a more positive note, I just finished the back of my Flicca sweater! I took a picture to post, and then my camera died. I'll have to do it after the batteries recharge. So excited!
On a more positive note, I just finished the back of my Flicca sweater! I took a picture to post, and then my camera died. I'll have to do it after the batteries recharge. So excited!
Monday, April 16, 2007
One of those adorable days!
I teach 1st grade and just love it! It is my favorite age, and I love teaching my kids to love literature and books and learning. So, of course, we read like a zillion books a day, but every once in a while one really gets their attention and makes them think. Today we read Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting, one of my favorites! After the story the class broke out into a spontaneous round of applause. It just melted my heart how much they connected with it. Those are the moments I love!
On a knitting note, I knitted that Flicca like crazy! I'm almost done with the back-- maybe by tomorrow!
On a knitting note, I knitted that Flicca like crazy! I'm almost done with the back-- maybe by tomorrow!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Today's Progress
I knitted for hours on my Flicca today, but I'm still on the back section. I'll post my progress soon! We also almost completed our initial adoption application. Our goal is to get it mailed out this week.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
My Babies
Friday, April 13, 2007
Flicca Progress
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Adoption Process Started! (kind of)
So, we're finally beginning the adoption process. We know we want to adopt from Armenia, but haven't officially signed with an agency yet. It's such a hard decision! We are beginning the 3 month process of our homestudy. I guess we have a lot to do, including getting a nursery ready. Seems weird seeing as how we won't have a baby for at least 1-2 years! In the meantime, I'm working on knitting the sweater pattern, Flicca, for myself, and a baby blanket for our future baby. I hope I can keep up the energy to get through all this!
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